Helpful Tips
Did you know that the first paint sprayer was produced by Graco in the 1960s? Since then, the technology has constantly adapted to meet the needs of the modern contractor. Here are some tips that could save you a trip to the repair shop!
- Always clean out the sprayer after each use. Dirty sprayers lead to many problems.
- When not in use, store an anti-rust solution inside of your sprayer — such as anti-freeze or a 25/75 mixture of motor oil and paint thinner. If you fail to do this, rust builds up and will damage the rod and packings.
- Use throat seal to keep the rod and packings lubricated for longer life. Throat seal is not just lubricant; it contains a chemical that breaks down any overspray of paint on your rod.
- Strain your paint before using. Strained paint will preserve your rod and packings.
Safety Tip
NEVER put your finger on the tip of a spray gun. It will shoot up to 3500 psi of paint through your finger!
Struggling With Pressure Loss Or Failure?
You May Have...
- A clogged gun filter.
- Debris blocking the upper and lower balls from seating, OR a worn/defective upper or lower seat not allowing the ball to sit properly.
- A worn prime spray valve causing the sprayer to continuously run due to pressure leaking into the return line.